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5 Project Management Myths

Sept. 1, 2021
No matter what business we’re in, we’re all plagued by myths. They can be a system of beliefs in our organization, on our team, or even in our family. Project […]

No matter what business we’re in, we’re all plagued by myths. They can be a system of beliefs in our organization, on our team, or even in our family. Project Management (PM) is no different.

We also can get tangled up in myths about efficiency and saving time that can actually end up thwarting our success.

5 Common Myths About Project Management – And How to Avoid the Myths


Let’s fact it: things happen. Customers change their minds about what they thought they wanted, market forces change, and new threats and opportunities arise as new priorities surface. All of these changes can make the original goal of our project obsolete. Don’t fall into the trap of forging ahead without developing a new project agreement and project plan.

In my experience, it’s better to spend half a day re-launching the project based on the new Project Agreement then to create a final deliverable that no one wants, or to attempt to complete a project with inadequate resources and lack of support from the project sponsor.

Make your Project Agreement a vibrant, living document that is written knowing there will be changes. Make it a document that everyone understands and feels a part of. When you write a Project Agreement and simply file it, it doesn’t breathe or set the stage for further communication and discussion throughout the project.


I’m not suggesting a group hug at every milestone. I’m talking about the impact on the project when people aren’t working well together.

The bad news is that an inability to work together towards a common goal can mean failure.

The good news is that you can find the root cause and change behavior.

Look for these gnarly roots:

  • Lack of Commitment
  • Lack of Interaction
  • Lack of Interest in Constructively Resolving Conflict

When project lose and gain people during the execution of the project, it’s important that the new team develop new team guidelines and meeting protocols. This is necessary to facilitate working relationships, create a way to positively interact, and to prevent destructive conflict. 

Don’t let "new" deter you. Let new people bring new ideas and energy to the project.


Selling up is always important, but don’t document only what you want someone to see. It’s important to include the good, the bad, and the ugly. Industry-standard PJ practices require a critical project closeout phase that collects lessons learned, and gives your organization powerful historical knowledge from across the enterprise.

Think of it as giving every project a chance to take center stage and be a stand-up for the day. A company that can learn and grow, rather than continually repeat mistakes, will move faster. 

As an employee, it’s frustrating to re-create the wheel. However, it is empowering when you see your work building upon others’ work, and vice versa.

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When you have success, it’s hard to overdo it with communication. People need to see, hear, smell, and taste, success. Even small victories have a big impact.

It’s important to communicate and show success with early adopters, so people will understand what you’re doing and how they can be a part of the ongoing success.


Maybe you’ve been around the block, but don’t disregard the ideas of your team. For people to communicate, they have to be in an environment that is safe and that allows for some blue sky and offbeat thinking.

If you foster an environment that shoots down ideas, then people will stop sharing ideas, and instead just take the easiest path with the least resistance. This is what we call mediocrity. 

The next time you conjure up one of these myths, tops and rethink your approach. You can make changes – big and small – by beginning with your own awareness of them. Think of PM as a tool that clarifies, illuminates, and unifies, and ultimately brings you closer to the goal that is just ahead. 


What myths are you attached to?

Buddhists believe that all suffering comes from attachment. Look at your attachment to various Project Management myths impact your long-term success, and, ultimately, your happiness.

From Michelle
This article contains excerpts from my book Cheetah Know How: How to Apply Project Management Skills Fast by Michelle LaBrosse, PMP, and Carey Earle.

Read my monthly column here in ISE magazine at To read my business-oriented blogs, please visit Cheetah Learning Blog at My newest book is Cheetah Agile Projects: Be Fast and Flexible.

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About the Author

Michelle LaBrosse

Michelle LaBrosse, CCPM, PMP, PMI-ACP, RYT, is an entrepreneurial powerhouse with a penchant for making success easy, fun, and fast She is the founder of Cheetah Learning, the author of the Cheetah Success Series, and a prolific blogger whose mission is to bring Project Management (PM) to the masses. Cheetah Learning is a virtual company with 100 employees, contractors, and licensees worldwide. To date, more than 50,000 people have become "Cheetahs" using Cheetah Learning’s innovative PM and accelerated learning techniques. Michelle also developed the Cheetah Certified Project Manager (CCPM) program based on Myers-Briggs Type Indicator personality profiling to help students master how to use their unique strengths for learning, doing projects, and negotiating. Michelle is recognized by the Project Management Institute as one of the 25 Most Influential Women in Project Management in the world. For more information, visit To read my business-oriented blogs, please visit Cheetah Learning Blog at,, and read my columns here in ISE magazine at