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ISE Columnist Sharon Vollman, Editorial Director


Jan. 1, 2017
Wish I could call this one my own, but another editor posed a clever question to her readers a time ago.* She asked: What are you NOT resolving to do […]

Wish I could call this one my own, but another editor posed a clever question to her readers a time ago.* She asked: What are you NOT resolving to do this year?

After you read a few of my anti-resolutions for 2017, send me some of yours. We’ll put them on so we all can have a bit of fun about the stuff we are NOT going to do this year.

Top 5 Anti-Resolutions
#1: I will not wake up in the middle of the night and obsess about my to-do list. Instead, I will place it near my pillow and tear it into shreds when I wake for the 5th time.

#2: I will not follow the progress of the many mergers happening across the ICT industry. Who’s dating or marrying who does not allow me to focus on what is important. That said, it’s like watching bad TV — I just keep coming back for more.

#3: I will not try to multi-task because it actually costs me time and makes me less efficient. (Riiiiight.)

#4: When I have editor’s writing block, I will not eat at my computer, or drink at my computer — except water of course.

#5: I will not share my vices in Editor’s Notes. (Oops.)

Ah, that was cleansing. Now, I’m ready to start 2017. Want to join me? Email me ([email protected]) your anti-resolutions, and let’s move into the new year with a bit of irreverent humor.

*January 2015 Editor’s Letter, Jo Elvin, Glamour.

About the Author

Sharon Vollman | Editor-in-Chief, ISE Magazine

Sharon Vollman is Editor-in-Chief of ISE Magazine. She oversees the strategic direction and content for ISE Magazine. She also leads the educational content development for ISE EXPO. Vollman has created educational partnerships with the major communications and entertainment providers including AT&T, Verizon, CenturyLink, Frontier Communications and Cincinnati Bell. She has covered the telecom industry since 1996. Prior to that, she worked in advertising with Ogilvy & Mather and CME. Vollman has a bachelor’s degree in Journalism/Advertising from the University of Iowa.