What jobs will be non-existent due to technology in the ICT industry? Here are just a few that sources say could be obsolete in the near future:
- Fighter Pilots — Some military strategists think that what the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter pilot does can be better handled by cruise missiles and remotely piloted drones.
- Call Center Operators — Call centers will rely less and less on real human beings and more and more on technology. Can you say black hole?
- Travel Agents — Over 90% of travel is booked online.
- Cashiers — Many chains like Home Depot and CVS are streamlining their process with customer self-scanning.
- Librarians — We all are becoming our own researchers.
- Bank Tellers — We’ve used ATMs for years. Now you can app yourself through deposits and transfers in moments.
With the buzz about transforming network field operations into more software-driven, virtualized processes, I have to ask the awkward question: Will your job and expertise need to change to remain relevant?
Only you can answer that as you explore your career roadmap. But, the OSP® team is here to help, offering you plenty of FREE education at OSP EXPO® 2015 that can help you do your homework. (Plenty — as in 35+ seminars listed at http://ospmag.com/expo/education/seminars.)
OSP EXPO is right around the corner. And, unlike expensive career counseling, we are giving you a FREE registration code ($100 value) so you can explore new areas in which you can grow along with core areas of network evolution so you can keep your skills running at 100%+. (Use priority code: Direct1D.)
Don’t wait. The virtualizing of the network is here. Thankfully, so is OSP EXPO 2015. Attend and learn — to stay relevant in this constantly changing industry.