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Image Energy Ran Diagram 636aa63b7dcb1

Video Optimization Could Reduce Network-Wide Energy Consumption by Over 10%

Nov. 15, 2022
Image Energy Ran Diagram 636aa63b7dcb1

Average operator could save $10 million in energy costs annually, furthering ESG objectives while improving network functionality 

A new report published by telecom software specialist, Enea, has concluded that a typical mobile network operator could reduce their end-to-end network energy consumption by more than 10% and make annual savings of up to ten million dollars if they deploy a new traffic management solution that dynamically optimizes video streaming. 

Citing figures from the GSMA, the industry organization for mobile network operators, the report highlights growing demand of video, in share of data volume. The radio access network (RAN) currently accounts for 73% of energy costs for the average mobile operator, with video content accounting for up to 70% of the data volume. As network speed and functionality improves, data and energy consumption will increase further, creating a problem for environmentally conscious operators looking to fulfill their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) objectives without compromising user Quality of Experience (QoE). 

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