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Telecom Trends for 2024: Navigating the Future of Connectivity

Jan. 22, 2024
A look at 5G, edge, IoT, slicing, and other trends in telecom for 2024 from Telstra.

An insider’s look at what’s in store for 2024 in the world of telecom.

The world of telecommunications is constantly evolving, driven by technological advancements, changing consumer needs, and the pursuit of faster, more reliable connectivity. As we head into 2024, the telecom industry is poised for significant transformation, with several key trends shaping its landscape. In this article, we will explore the most prominent telecom trends for 2024.

Expanding and Integrating 5G Technology 

One of the most anticipated and impactful trends in the telecom industry for 2024 is the widespread expansion and integration of 5G technology. 5G, the fifth generation of cellular networks, has already been revolutionizing various industries by delivering significantly faster speeds, lower latency, and the capacity to connect more devices simultaneously.

For example, in the automotive industry, 5G facilitates vehicle-to-vehicle communication and collects data efficiently and quickly across geographic areas, improving driver assistance systems and supporting autonomous vehicles. In manufacturing, factories and production facilities have become more automated and interconnected, leading to higher efficiency and productivity. Those are just a couple of examples, but there are countless other industries that are being transformed by 5G, including entertainment, remote work, education, healthcare, and more.

In 2024, we can expect to see three major trends emerge:

  1. 5G networks will expand their coverage in urban areas and become more prevalent in suburban and rural regions. This expansion will be driven by increased infrastructure investments from telecom companies and government initiatives to bridge the digital divide. In Australia, for example, Telstra has been continuously rolling out 5G by installing thousands of 5G base stations. By 2025, it’s expected that 95% of Australians will have 5G coverage. In the U.S., Verizon has already expanded C-band access to millions of rural customers and plans to expand its 5G Ultra-Wideband network to more rural areas in 2024.
  2. It will become an integral part of the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem, enabling the proliferation of smart devices and the development of smart cities. Telecom companies will work closely with IoT service providers to create tailored solutions for different industries.
  3. Many of the 5G foundations, such as standalone 5G and cloud RAN, will make way for 5G Advanced, an upcoming 5G standard that makes better use of artificial intelligence to connect devices more reliably and efficiently to the network. Improvements with uplink speeds and reliability will enable more truly immersive experiences, such as augmented reality and virtual reality on the go, while improved coverage and power consumption will allow even more IoT possibilities. Telstra is already working with several partners and customers to make this a reality in 2024.

Decentralizing the Network Through Edge Computing

Edge computing, the practice of processing data closer to the source rather than relying on centralized cloud servers, is another telecom trend that will gain momentum in 2024. The integration of edge computing with telecom networks will significantly reduce latency, making it essential for applications requiring real-time data processing, such as autonomous vehicles and augmented reality.

This trend will lead to the establishment of more edge data centers, which are strategically located closer to end-users. Telecom providers will collaborate with data center operators to realize the technology’s potential. 

Edge computing will also empower the telecom sector to offer enhanced security, as sensitive data can be processed locally rather than being transmitted over long distances. Telecom companies will be at the forefront of edge computing infrastructure, ensuring their networks are equipped to handle the growing demands of this technology.

But telecom companies won’t be able to do this alone. Every telecom company’s network has “blind spots” or areas where they don’t have the strongest coverage. To stay relevant and to continue to expand their network, they’ll need to work with partners to fill those gaps. The companies that build strong partnerships will come out on top in 2024.

Enhancing the Customer Experience Through Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning will continue to be a game-changer for many of the applications and technology that we use in our everyday lives, and play a significant role in telecom, particularly in improving customer experience. Telstra has already been using AI for a while and when you look at and experiment with what natural language software can do, it opens many possibilities for how we engage with our customers and how we upskill our people.

In 2024, AI-driven solutions will become more sophisticated, enabling telecom companies to personalize their offerings and proactively address customer issues. This will lead to faster problem resolution, reduced customer churn, and increased customer satisfaction.

Additionally, AI will be used for network optimization, helping telecom providers identify and address network issues in real-time. This proactive approach to maintenance and problem-solving will lead to improved network reliability and stability.

However, it’s important to note that AI is still uncharted territory. As more companies start using the technology in 2024, additional applications will be uncovered. Those that figure out how to implement AI in their operations will come out on top while those that don’t have a strategy to leverage it will likely fall behind.

Network Slicing for Diverse Services

Network slicing is a technology that allows telecom companies like Telstra to carve up our network into separate, secure “slices,” that can be finely tuned to suit the needs of many customers and customer applications. These slices can be tailored to provide even more secure and reliable network experience, and in 2024, we can expect network slicing to become more prevalent.

For instance, network slicing can create dedicated slices for critical services like emergency communications, autonomous vehicles, and telemedicine. These slices will have guaranteed bandwidth and low latency, ensuring uninterrupted connectivity for critical applications. 

At the same time, network slicing can also provide cost-effective solutions for less critical services such as video streaming and mobile gaming. This flexibility in network resource allocation will benefit both telecom providers and consumers. 

Boosting Cybersecurity Measures

As telecom networks become more integrated with critical infrastructure and IoT devices, the need for robust cybersecurity measures is paramount. In 2024, we will see an increased focus on strengthening telecom network security to protect against cyber threats and vulnerabilities.

In the past, cyber threats were typically one dimensional. However, “blended” cyber threats are becoming increasingly commonplace and often target multiple touch points across the business. It will be important to invest in training to ensure people are diligent across all communication points and to develop a cyber secure mindset, so it becomes embedded in your business culture.

Collaboration between telecom providers, government agencies, and other stakeholders will also be crucial in establishing comprehensive cybersecurity protocols and frameworks. Ensuring the security of 5G and edge computing networks will be vital to maintain public trust and support digital transformation.

Improving Sustainability

Sustainability and environmental concerns have become central themes across various industries, including telecom. In 2024, we can expect telecom companies to ramp up their efforts to reduce their carbon footprint and promote environmentally conscious business practices. This includes working with suppliers and partners to collectively address climate change. 

Telecom providers will adopt energy-efficient technologies, such as renewable energy sources and low-impact data centers, to minimize their effects on the environment. Additionally, the industry will work towards reducing e-waste through responsible recycling and disposal.

Telecom companies will also engage in initiatives to bridge the digital divide, ensuring that their infrastructure investments and product offerings are beneficial to underserved regions and communities.

Continuing to Support Hybrid Work and Remote Connectivity

The global shift towards hybrid work models and remote connectivity, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, will continue to influence telecom trends in 2024. The demand for reliable, high-speed internet and seamless connectivity will persist as remote work and digital collaboration become integral to modern work environments.

Telecom providers will invest in last-mile connectivity solutions, including fiber optic networks and fixed wireless access, to ensure that remote workers have access to fast and stable internet connections. Moreover, they will develop tailored packages and services to meet the specific needs of remote workers and businesses embracing hybrid work models.

As we look ahead to 2024, the telecom industry is poised for a transformative year. The widespread expansion of 5G, the integration of edge computing, and the ever-increasing importance of AI will shape the way we connect, communicate, and conduct business. Network slicing, cybersecurity, sustainability, and remote connectivity are also integral components of the telecom landscape.

Staying informed and adapting to these emerging trends is essential for keeping pace with the rapidly evolving telecom sector. Whether you are a telecom professional, an entrepreneur, or an individual consumer, understanding these trends will help you make informed decisions and leverage the opportunities presented by the telecom industry in 2024 and beyond.

For more information about how Telstra is addressing these trends, visit

About the Author

Katy Greenfield | Vice President of Customer Solutions, Telstra Americas

Katy Greenfield is Vice President of Customer Solutions for Telstra Americas. She is responsible for leading a specialized team working directly with enterprises across the region to develop customized network connectivity products and services.

An experienced technology operations and sales leader, Greenfield understands the challenges that organizations in every industry face as they continue their digital transformations. Her team focuses on developing network infrastructure and connectivity solutions that are tailored for each company in terms of their size, scope, market, and future growth strategies.

She has a diverse professional background in retail, commerce, information technology and telecommunications with direct experience in network infrastructure, operations and logistics, product development and cross-functional project management. Her career includes a range of previous technical and sales management roles, most recently with Boulder, CO-based Zayo Group as Director of Solutions Engineering. Greenfield holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the University of Colorado at Boulder.

Follow Katy on LinkedIn. Follow Telstra Americas on LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube.