
The educational content of this category relates to Battery evolution for Telecom/Communications Service Providers' (CSPs) mobile and fixed networks.  Best practices and guidance are targeted to telecom providers, contractors and others aligned with the ICT industry.


ESPi Titan, Video Vault 020122
Network Reliability/Testing & Assurance/Cybersecurity/Safety

ESPi’s TITAN – 12V UPS Installation

Aug. 1, 2022
Reliable, Easy to Install Backup Power ESPi’s TITAN 12V Outdoor UPS is the solution for your backup power needs. Built in the U.S., the TITAN is a quality UPS that is easy to ...
Fujitsu-ISE Video Graphic_1402x672
5G/6G & Fixed Wireless Access/Mobile Evolution

Let Fujitsu be Your Guide on the Road to Broadband

Aug. 2, 2021
The road to rural and municipal broadband is unfamiliar. Fujitsu gives you the confidence of a trusted, turnkey partner. With 40+ years of broadband experience, we help you navigate...

RLP = Secret Sauce for Small Cell Success

May 1, 2021
Qualifying the Telecom Power Grid — What’s that saying? What is old, has become new again. Well, when it comes to qualifying the telecom power grid, no statement could be […] ...



5G Means the Heat Is On!

March 1, 2021
Managing the Looming 5G Energy Surge — There is a natural tendency to treat the move from 4G to 5G networks much like the move from 2G to 3G or […]
C&E/NetDev Ops/GIS/Open-Source Networks

Data Is Power

April 1, 2020
Simple Rack Changes Can Yield Powerful Rewards — The explosion of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, and growing consumer expectations of high-speed broadband data anytime, anywhere...

The More Things Change

June 1, 2019
The More They Remain the Same — With Your Batteries — The equipment and technology that produce the revenue for the majority of the ICT industry is continuously changing by […...

Double the Purpose, Double the Fun

April 1, 2019
Batteries at telecommunications facilities are typically used to back up critical infrastructure equipment during an outage, often during the transition when the power source ...

Being Powerfully Redundant Matters

Dec. 1, 2018
When It Comes to Battery Management (Using Data to Mitigate Catastrophic Network Outages) — Data-driven decisions are becoming more and more commonplace in our everyday lives....