Operating Principals

The educational content of this category relates to Operating Principles for P3 mobile and fixed networks.  Best practices and guidance are targeted to telecom providers, contractors and others aligned with the ICT industry.


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5G/6G & Fixed Wireless Access/Mobile Evolution

Let Fujitsu be Your Guide on the Road to Broadband

Aug. 2, 2021
The road to rural and municipal broadband is unfamiliar. Fujitsu gives you the confidence of a trusted, turnkey partner. With 40+ years of broadband experience, we help you navigate...

Innovation Meets the Last Mile

Sept. 1, 2019
We’re at the Beginning of a Global Transition to Open Last Mile Digital Infrastructure — A useful tool to understand major industry transitions and disruptive innovations is the...
Public Private Partnerships (P3)/Municipal Broadband

Mind the Gap

Aug. 15, 2019
Comparing UK and US Broadband Incentives — Bottom line, we need better broadband. The world increasingly depends on connectivity in daily life, in emergency response, access to...
Public Private Partnerships (P3)/Municipal Broadband

The Cloud, The Edge and Municipal Broadband

April 17, 2019
Intertwined to Create a Platform to Enable Vibrant Communities of the Future — The Cloud, The Edge and Municipal Broadband are intertwined to create a platform to enable vibrant...


Public Private Partnerships (P3)/Municipal Broadband

Every City Needs a Broadband Strategy

Feb. 15, 2019
5 Key Strategic Recommendations for Municipal Broadband Planning The range of broadband issues relevant to municipal leaders continues to grow. Pressing issues at the national...
Public Private Partnerships (P3)/Municipal Broadband

Incumbent Broadband Providers Versus Muni Broadband

Sept. 1, 2018
Why the Fight? Today, municipal broadband networks are merely a nuisance to the big US Incumbent broadband providers. A small rural community here, a small city there. Noise in...
FTTx/Optical Networks

The Real ILEC Transformation

Sept. 1, 2017
The True Path to Open Access — An executive from a Baby Bell once told me a Class 5 switch is essentially a billing meter. That led to a conclusion […]