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Ting Signaltape® Case Study

April 17, 2021
Third Party Excavation Damage Ting is a rapidly growing provider of fiber Internet services across the nation who has historically experienced significant excavation damage in new construction subdivisions. They are […]

Third Party Excavation Damage

Ting is a rapidly growing provider of fiber Internet services across the nation who has historically experienced significant excavation damage in new construction subdivisions. They are often the first utility installed, and consequentially Ting’s buried fiber conduit frequently gets hit when other utilities install their services.

A recent internal evaluation of excavation damages examined ten of their Greenfield, NC subdivisions. The study revealed that nine of them have experienced reoccurring excavation damage costing around $72,000 so far. To proactively prevent third party damages, Ting trialed 5,000 feet of signaltape brand underground warning tape. The underground warning tape was installed in approximately half of their New Belvedere subdivision, a Charlottesville, VA location, comparable to their Greenfield, NC subdivisions.

Signaltape is an innovative damage prevention product containing a 3,000-pound aramid fiber core material; this core material ensures the warning tape pulls to the surface to warn the excavator. As a result, it addresses the two largest gaps in current damage prevention products and systems.

Download the Damage Prevention Solutions white paper to learn the:

  • Gaps in Damage Prevention Products
  • Signaltape Damage Prevention Solution
  • Signaltape Case Study Results
Download your copy now!

Author: Kit Moore is the Integrated Products Manager at Damage Prevention Solutions. He manages the 3M co-branded product lines. Most recently he was part of the development team responsible for DPS’s newest product, boretrace – a two-in-one tracer wire and marker tape delivery system for Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) installations.

For more information, email Kit Moore at [email protected] and visit the website www.damageprevention.com.