Build your future network to meet subscribers’ current and future needs
Networks need to change as demands evolve. Convergence simplifies connectivity, helps standardize infrastructure, boosts flexibility, and can support new revenue streams. Optimize infrastructure costs as the network evolves to accommodate new technologies like 5G.
There are many ways of approaching Convergence, depending on your requirements and current infrastructure. Check out our Converged Network eBook, which offers vital technology insights, examines changes at the infrastructure level, and helps identify what solution is right for you.
Now that you know, the future—quite literally—
is in your hands, what’s your next move?
Contact CommScope for advice on the best network topology and technologies to prepare your networks for the future.
More from CommScope:
Podcast: Unique Challenges and Considerations for Rural Network Development
Service providers face unique challenges when designing and installing rural networks. Learn strategies to simplify and address the issues.
Article: 100G to 800G – Building It So THEY Will Come
ISE magazine article author: James Young, Director of CommScope’s Enterprise Data Center division. How 800G will impact network evolution and how it can be met without too many growing pains in the future.
Article: Oh, the Places You’ll Go! A Look Into 6 Use Cases for CBRs
ISE magazine article authors: Rikin Thakker, Multicultural Media Telecom and Internet Council (MMTC); Mark Gibson, CommScope; and Eric Toenjes, Graybar. Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) and its new use cases.
Article: AIM to Leverage Augmented Reality
ISE magazine article authors: CommScope’s Michael German, Global Technical Director, and LeaAnn Carl, product line manager for CommScope’s Automated Infrastructure Management (AIM) solution.