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ASK THE EXPERT: Work Faster and Smarter

Oct. 11, 2022
Defects and rework are the bane of major telecom projects, but they can be reduced or eliminated with the right approach.

At the pace that telecom networks of all types are being installed in urban, suburban, and rural areas, providers can’t afford to let technical issues slow these projects down.

Providers and their contractors have schedules and deadlines to meet, and the bottom line is to achieve the best and most reliable network installations on schedule and on budget. Making mistakes — and then having to fix them — slows everything down and increases costs. Quality assurance and quality control tools are critical to avoiding mistakes and delivering excellent networks.

We talked with Brett Staehr, vice president of professional services for TrueNet Communications, a Fujitsu company, about quality assurance, quality control, and the state of the art of today’s tools, including TrueNet’s TrueQ Pro.

Download now to learn more.

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