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Fiber Fuels Rural Communities Economic Future

Aug. 16, 2023
Did you know every dollar a state spends on affordable broadband (and teaching people how to use it), benefits the state economy by $4.
Did you know every dollar a state spends on affordable broadband (and teaching people how to use it), benefits the state economy by $4. (Source:

With the $42.5 billion Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) state allocations announced on June 26, states are now proactively creating plans to build high speed broadband networks to the unserved and underserved. It’s critical these broadband networks are built with reliable and future-proof service. That requires deep fiber to the last home or business on the farthest dirt road of every community.

This on-topic report is a tool for States and their subgrantees (community service providers) on a mission to deploy deep fiber to every resident in every rural community. It’s also a tool for communities to advocate for themselves because it outlines why fiber is the way to ensure they are not left with “second class” broadband networks in the years ahead. Deploying deep fiber is not solely a technological choice. It’s the right thing to do. It’s the economic stimulant for rural communities across our country that deserve to thrive in today ’s hyper-connected world.

Download this OnTopic eBook to read more!

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