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On Topic: Engineering for Network Sustainability

March 1, 2024
Expert insights for network engineers on building sustainable infrastructure, selected by the editors of ISE Magazine.

The future of the network must be sustainable. Technological innovation and the rethinking of infrastructure design will be the powers wielded by network engineers to ensure future generations can thrive.

In this book, readers will learn from some of the top minds in the industry about how to overcome the inevitable challenges the industry will be confronted with in the coming years, with global attention focused on preserving the environment and natural resources that sustain us all.

Network demands are increasing, and more infrastructure will be built to ensure that connectivity stretches farther and farther, reaching every corner of the earth where humans need broadband access to conduct the affairs of life, obtain healthcare and education, and earn a livelihood.

But at the same time, the philosophy behind building infrastructure has shifted more towards preservation of our habitat and the reduction of carbon emissions—concerns that have grown immensely since the first telegraph wires were installed.

Technological innovation can help address these challenges, and it also rests on the shoulders of network engineers to think through these challenges. The future depends on it.

Topics discussed include engineering for net zero, deploying fiber both quickly and sustainably, energy storage, and constructing outside plant fiber infrastructure sustainably.

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