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How to Conduct Yourself During a Virtual Interview

Aug. 1, 2021
Poll survey results by Gartner exhibit the fact that in these times of the COVID-19 pandemic, more than 85% of organizations are conducting virtual interviews. Telecommuting seems the way forward […]

Poll survey results by Gartner exhibit the fact that in these times of the COVID-19 pandemic, more than 85% of organizations are conducting virtual interviews. Telecommuting seems the way forward for the world to function. Hiring for remote working opportunities is on a steep rise. Moreover, hiring through virtual interviews seems the new normal as well. We are dwelling in an era propelled by artificial intelligence and stellar technological innovations. Most of the job interviews you give in the future may be virtual. 

Now comes the real question: How can you professionally conduct yourself during a remote interview? This blog has all the answers that you need to crack your imminent interview. 

Worthwhile strategies to crack a remote interview 


A virtual interview does not mean that you have any leverage to compromise with professionalism. Speaking of professional conduct, the way you dress up is imperative. You need to dress up in a formal way to win the confidence of the interviewer. Even if you are appearing for an interview for a graphic designer, doing so while donning a tie and a blazer will endorse professional conduct. The interviewer will appreciate your effort to dress professionally. Besides, he will see a positive intent in you for giving your best to a professional opportunity. 

On the other hand, dressing up casually can create unnecessary odds. The recruiters may think that your approach is too laid-back. They may assume that if you could not maintain professional conduct in an interview, how will you do the same in your job. 

Hence, no matter which designation you are interviewing for, get your best formal outfits out! 

Another thing that ought to be considered is what colors to wear for a remote interview. Remember, the way you present yourself is the first impression that you create. So, your choice of colors is vital. You should go for neutral colors that include blues, grays, and whites. It is intriguing to note the meaning of the color blue. Blue represents prudence, dedication, and valiance. Similarly, white symbolizes that a person is well organized and has formal etiquettes. 


You must understand that the non-verbal attributes of communication are essential. You may have excellent command over a language and may be a proficient speaker of a foreign language. However, unless you incorporate the prerequisites of powerful body language, success prospects will remain dicey. The least you can do to portray the right body language during a remote interview is to sit straight. 

Moreover, you should smile often, seem like a confident individual and keep the level of your eyes parallel to the camera. To classify professional body language, the following parameters matter the most:

  • Facial expressions 
  • Gestures made by hands 
  • Correct posture 
  • Shrugging or nodding

To add, do not have your arms crossed while giving an interview. It may be a sign of paying attention, but others can often perceive it as a sign of disinterest. 

The other thing that you need to do right is to manage distractions well. Both verbal and nonverbal cues of communication should represent your undivided attention. 

If you do not believe in body language’s prowess, you need to learn about Professor Albert Mehrabian’s research. In the 1960s, professor Mehrabian from UCLA conducted research to study human communication patterns. His findings, though debatable, inferred that the verbal element in communication is limited to 7%. The remaining 93% of the communication is all about non-verbal elements. Furthermore, among non-verbal facets, body language accounts for 55%. 

Therefore, the significance of body language is massive. It becomes even more essential to crack an interview, be it virtual or physical. 


Recruiters are looking for dynamic individuals that suit their organization’s culture. But that does not mean that you have to pretend to be someone else to meet the needs. Interviewers are seasoned campaigners, and they will be quick to identify any pretentiousness. You should be yourself, be flamboyant and express yourself in a wholesome manner. Being articulate while being formal is your best chance to impress the interviewers. Most of them will appreciate that you believe in your uniqueness and do not pretend to be someone you are not. To cite a small example, your honesty may be more significant to the organization than your discontent with one or two company culture principles. 

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Moving further, honesty and integrity are 2 paramount work ethics expected of all employees. As long as an individual has a staunch belief in these 2 principles, he can rise to leadership roles. 

However, there seems to be a dearth of righteous leaders in the modern era. By being true to yourself and expressing yourself with sophisticated fearlessness, you can inspire confidence in recruiters. They will be able to see you as a future leader, given your straightforwardness and non-pretentiousness. 

It may happen that being yourself may cost you an interview or two. There would always be some interviewers who would want you to nod your head to everything they say. Such people would anyway not know the worth of your individuality. 

Holding on to your authentic self will win you the best opportunity in the longer run. As long as you believe in yourself, handsome opportunities to earn money in 2021 will keep coming. 


A lot of interviews often include questions like Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years? Or you may be given hypothetical situations or problems to deal with. 

Interviewers are trying to evaluate your spontaneity, situational awareness, and planning abilities by asking such questions. Hence, the first rule is not to seem nervous when you answer these questions and to not sulk to the questions’ complexities. The most brilliant people who believe in themselves will manage to find easy answers to every situation. 

The second rule is that you should be able to express a clear plan. When you answer where you see yourself in the coming years, do not talk only about the final destination. In a concise and precise manner, also explain the path and process to it. You should show them that you have a clear plan inclusive of short goals to your ultimate career objective. 

Similarly, while handling hypothetical situations, communicate the process and stepwise planning. When you do so, you come across as a well-organized individual who believes in precise planning. Your analytical and problem-solving skills will be tested, and you have to respond with flamboyance. If you fumble while giving these essential answers, it can diminish your chances. You cannot afford to give them the impression that you become ductile under pressure. You should instead show them that you are at your absolute best in times of challenges. 

To conclude, remote interviews are convenient for candidates as well as employers. Thanks to technology, you can now appear for a job interview in a different city via telecommunication. However, there are some salient considerations you ought to pay heed to while appearing in a virtual interview. 

According to Mckinsey and Company, the scarier side is that more than 50 million jobs in the US were at risk. The pandemic is still on, and you never know how many opportunities will knock on your door. The next one may be the last in a long time to come! So, be yourself, professionally conduct yourself, and crack your following remote interview. Reflecting on the shortcomings later may be of no use in these times of pandemic. 

About the Author: Jessica Robinson is an educational writer, and has even penned down many motivational blogs for various websites. She spills the magic of her thoughts through her blog “The Speaking Polymath”, in which she makes the reader experience her management proficiency along with her skill to resolve matters of global importance.

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