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54 Technology Trends to Watch in 2020

April 1, 2020
After a tumultuous 2019 that was beset by many challenges, both integral to technology markets and derived from global market dynamics, 2020 looks set to be equally challenging. There are […]

After a tumultuous 2019 that was beset by many challenges, both integral to technology markets and derived from global market dynamics, 2020 looks set to be equally challenging. There are many positive signs that the external economy, driven by political uncertainty, will become much more predictable and will result in a much more stable economic backdrop. Attention must be directed toward the inherent issues mounting in technology markets that look set to be the major influencing forces that will shape 2020.

Whatever your role within the technology market, one thing is for sure: the complex, cluttered, fractured, and rapidly changing technology marketplace and value chain will not be any easier to navigate in 2020.

In order to help demystify and simplify the outlook for 2020, ABI Research analysts have identified 35 trends that look set to be influential in the shaping of the market, and 19 others that, although attracting huge amounts of speculation and commentary, look likely to be less influential or struggle to impact the market in any way in 2020.

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Here’s a list of the Research Service Areas covered in the ABI Research white paper 54 Technology Trends To Watch In 2020. 4 Research Service Areas listed here show the trends statements, as examples.

5G Core and Edge Networks
Example of trends to watch in this research service area (details follow each trend):
1. Industry Will Realize Network Slicing Will Need a Tighter Definition to Materialize
2. Webscales and Telco Operators Find Common Ground
3. 2020 Will Mark a Critical Turning Point for 5G
4. MNOs Will Continue to Deviate from the Stranglehold of Conventional Proprietary Business and Operational Models to More Innovative Solutions that Can Expedite Their 5G Rollouts
5. Cloud Native Computing Will Prove Unready for Telco Networks

5G Devices, Smartphones, and Wearables

5G Markets
5G and Mobile Network Infrastructure

Example of trends to watch in this research service area (details follow each trend):
15. 5G Edge and Private Networks Will Be Introduced, but Mainstream Unlikely before 2023
16. Private Cellular Will Threaten the Domain of Mobile Operators and Create New Opportunities
17. The Telco Industry Will Grow Disillusioned with ORAN

AI and Machine Learning Augmented and Virtual Reality
Example of trends to watch in this research service area (details follow each trend):
18. Heterogeneous Computing Will Emerge as Key for Supporting Future AI Networks
19. More Custom AI Chipsets to Be Launched
20. Quantum Computing Will Remain Far from Being Ready

Augmented and Virtual Reality
Example of trends to watch in this research service area (details follow each trend):
21. A More Competitive AR Ecosystem, with a Serving of Realism
22. 2020 Will Prove to be a Critical Year for Consumer VR

Digital Security
Freight Transportation and Logistics
Industrial and Collaborative Robots
Industrial and Manufacturing
Location Technologies
Machine-to-Machine, the IoT, and the Internet of Everything
Smart Cities and Smart Spaces
Smart Home
Smart Mobility and Automotive
Video and Cloud Services
Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and Wireless Connectivity

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To download the free whitepaper 54 Technology Trends To Watch In 2020, please visit

About the Author: Stuart Carlaw is Chief Research Officer at ABI Research. For more information about ABI Research, please visit

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