0119 Hn A New Perspective In Overcoming Objections And Closing More Business 1402x672

A New Perspective in Overcoming Objections and Closing More Business

Jan. 1, 2019
Part 2 of 4: A of L.A.C.E. —  Last time, I shared more about my L.A.C.E. Objection Handling Process. This month, I’d like to talk about the A in the process. I believe […]

Part 2 of 4: A of L.A.C.E. — 

Last time, I shared more about my L.A.C.E. Objection Handling Process. This month, I’d like to talk about the A in the process. I believe it’s the most difficult to do and the most critical to the success of the process.

One piece I want to reiterate and reinforce is to think of objections as questions and, at worst, concerns. It’s important to have the proper mindset to execute against this step of the process. If you think of them as objections, it inherently creates a conflictual situation. Your goal is to come to a mutually beneficial solution, not to win a battle or to convince your customer or client that you’re right. That way you’re in a mindset to have a conversation about their questions and concerns, and fully listen to and understand them.

Through this process I believe you’ll not only close more sales, but more profitable sales, because you are working with your customer to find that mutually beneficial solution.

When I ask most people what they think the A stands for, the first guess usually is Answer. That is what your customer or client is expecting you’re going to do. They are expecting you to answer and respond to what they have said. They are expecting you to try and convince them their point doesn’t have validity or that what you have to offer offsets their objection or question or concern and immediately provide a solution.

I’d like you to do something that typically isn’t done. I’d like you to Ask What Else? What other questions or concerns do they have? You can acknowledge their question or concern. You can’t respond to their question or concern until you get all their questions and concerns on the table.

Why would you do that? Wouldn’t your customer think you’re avoiding their question or concern? To answer the first question, when someone has one question or concern, what is the likelihood they don’t have more than one? Probably very low. As well, if you start to respond and they have other questions and concerns, what is the likelihood they are fully listening to your response? They’re going to be thinking about their other questions and concerns.

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The biggest reason you would Ask What Else? is they are expecting a battle or for you to minimize their position or prove you’re right. By acknowledging and asking What Else?, it allows them to relax and breathe because they now know that you actually do want to listen to their questions and concerns and hear them out. 

Another key benefit is for you to be able to work towards a mutually beneficial solution you need to fully understand all of their questions or concerns. If you don’t, you may resolve one of them, and because there are still other issues pending, there are still roadblocks to working together that you are unaware of.

With respect to the second question Wouldn’t your customer think you’re avoiding their question or concern? — it’s a fair question. And I can tell you that for me and my clients it’s never happened. They’ve never felt that way. In fact, the opposite happens. They feel heard and are grateful you want to fully hear them out and do so in a non-defensive or conflictual manner.

To me, this is the key step to overcoming objections and addressing their questions and concerns in a very productive manner. You’ll be able to have a more open honest conversation to dramatically increase your likelihood of closing the sale.

About the Author:
In the February 2019 article, we’ll move into the C of my L.A.C.E. process for addressing your customer or client’s questions and concerns. If you can’t wait, reach out to me at [email protected] and I’ll send you more information on the process.

Michael Levin is President and CEO of Custom Solutions Inc. He shares his unique and high impact philosophies and processes in the areas of Sales and Leadership along with Presentation Skills. His clients include Pepsi Cola, Oracle, Olympus, DuPont, UBM, and more. He is the author of several books, including Sitting on the Same Side of the Table: The Art of Collaborative Selling, and a co-author of Jack Canfield’s (author of Chicken Soup for the Soul) The Road to Success. For more information, please email [email protected] or visit https://www.michaeljlevin.com/.

About the Author

Human Network Contributor

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