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HUMAN NETWORK: The Science of Success

March 1, 2017
For many, success is an elusive goal. They feel powerless and resort to blaming their circumstances for the condition of their lives. But success is more scientific than you think. […]

For many, success is an elusive goal. They feel powerless and resort to blaming their circumstances for the condition of their lives. But success is more scientific than you think. It follows the same universal laws found in natural science. When you look at it this way, you can take concrete steps to ensure you practice the science of success and create an experiment of excellence in your very own life.

The Function of Followership
How engaged are you as a follower? Contrary to popular belief, the job doesn’t make you — you make the job. The more engaged, authentic, and proactive you are, the greater your rewards. Every time you engage in effective followership, you exponentially increase your chances of success.

You may feel that your organization doesn’t value your active followership. This may be true. It takes an authentic leader and a collaborative culture to value active and engaged followers; however, the type of follower you are today determines the type of leader you’ll be tomorrow. They are 2 sides of the same coin.

The Exposure to Experience
You truly grow under adverse circumstances. Trials are not noble; they are character-building. Pressures forge and solidify our core, and a mind stretched can never go back to its previous form. Remember, a diamond was once a lump of coal; and a pearl was a grain of sand.

The quickest way to success is to cram 50 years of failure into 15. An intern once asked a seasoned executive how he became so successful. The executive replied, "Good judgement." The intern asked how he got good judgement, and the elder replied, "Experience." The young man then asked, "Well, how do you get experience?" to which his mentor replied, "Poor Judgement." Every experience, good, bad, or ugly, adds a key to unlocking a future door. Make sure your key ring is full.

The Momentum of Motivation
Do you feel stuck? The reason could be the Law of Inertia, which states that all objects tend to "keep on doing what they’re doing." Each one of us generates our own motivation. This is why people with the same opportunities experience different outcomes.

Force equals mass times acceleration; therefore, if you want a greater force to "get you off your mass," you’ve got to apply a higher degree of acceleration. When you dial into your internal cheerleader, you will be a body in motion that stays in perpetual motion.

The added benefit of motivation is that it is has a highly transferable quality. Thus, the more of it you generate, the more it multiplies. People also refer to this as "atmosphere."

Atmosphere doesn’t just come out of nowhere; someone has to generate it. You can be a thermometer that merely reflects what’s going on around you, or you can be a thermostat and set the temperature in your organization.

The Vector of Vision
Vision is simply seeing what needs to be done and doing it. Often people fool themselves into thinking vision is some type of mystical prophecy only a genius can see; when in reality, the great visionaries are people who took action and got things accomplished when no one else would or could. Vision is what directs your everyday path and decision. Vision also has a moral quality that aligns with your values and convictions. Vision is a constant drip, a directional plumb line that centers everything we do.

Vectored vision is what keeps us on course in life. As a proverb says, "Where there is no vision; the people perish." So if you want to stay on the path to success, keep your GPS calibrated to your true north.

The Physics of Failure
The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that an effect can never be greater than the cause. The universe tends toward an increasing state of disorder — and that includes you. To defeat the forces of natural chaos, you must implement a series of internal transformations. These include healthier eating, becoming a better thinker, and increasing your positivity. A robust body, mind, and soul are foundational to a successful life.

Many people think that life gets better by chance when, in fact, it only gets better through change. Emerson stated that cause and effect are two sides of the same coin. You cannot create a different outcome, nor even maintain the status quo, without injecting your life with some empowering forces. There’s no smoke without fire. If you do what you always did, you’ll get what you always got. So if you want to escape the black hole of failure, drill down to that root cause, commence countdown, and launch yourself out.

The Tension of Time
Everything you do is woven into the fabric of time. Existentialists go so far as to say you do not exist in time; you are time.

So what are you doing with your life clock?

Are you killing time or filling time?

Do you have a sense of the potential that each second of life affords you?

The pain of grief can stop the clock and freeze you in place, but the pleasure of passion can make the time fly. As Albert Einstein said, "That is the way to learn the most, when you are doing something with such enjoyment that you don’t notice that the time passes."

When you dial into your passion, the tension of time fades away. We are aware of it, but not stuck in it. Every action looks to the future, but enjoys the here and now. So find what you love, do it, and transcend time.

Obey these laws of success and increase your choices in life. Choices equate to opportunities. Disobedience only leads to diminishing our choices, and diminished choices can lead to a life of regret. So if you want success to be a factor in your life, remember: it’s not luck, chance, or fortune. It’s science!

About the Author: Tracey C. Jones is a U.S. Air Force veteran, entrepreneur, speaker, and publisher. She speaks to audiences across the nation on leadership, accountability, business success, and other topics. Her latest book is "Beyond Tremendous: Raising the Bar on Life." To learn more visit www.TremendousTracey.com.

About the Author

Human Network Contributor

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