Human Network

The educational content of this category relates to the HUMAN network that supports Telecom/Communications Service Providers' (CSPs) mobile and fixed networks.  Best practices and guidance are targeted to telecom providers, contractors and others aligned with the ICT industry.


Professional Development/Leadership

Is Workplace Equity Just Lip Service?

Dec. 8, 2022
In the last couple of decades, the world has made huge strides when it comes to women involvement in the workforce. According to a report by Catalyst, women make up […]
8827536 © Keith Bell |
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The ABCs of Digital Marketing

May 1, 2022
Although there is no silver bullet to digital growth, by combining patience and commitment your organization can build a foundation of trust that turns into engagement.
129351479 © Missjelena |
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Virtual Private Networks Increase by 65% Amid COVID-19 Crisis

May 1, 2022
The risks associated with WFH are amplified when the move is made to WFA—because it includes not only our home base but also frequently working on the road at just about anywhere...
166281249 © Fizkes |
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Beyond Mentoring

May 1, 2022
Everyone needs help learning new skills and imagining things they could have never conceived of on their own. The key difference is the level of their involvement in their life...



Be a Tight Ship

April 1, 2022
Qualified professionals who can deliver consistent results, run a tight ship with a “just enough” proven project management approach. […]
Professional Development/Leadership

Revolutionizing Assistive Technology for the Elderly and Disabled

April 1, 2022
A recent survey from AARP found that older adults increased technology purchases during the […]
Professional Development/Leadership

Think Wireless Technology Is Safe? Read the Fine-Print Warnings.

April 1, 2022
The EHT advises consumers to pay attention to the fine-print warnings on wireless devices and toys which say that devices should not be touching the body. Wireless devices expose...
Professional Development/Leadership

Be an Industry Disruptor

April 1, 2022
Industry leaders are the ones who transform the world -- who disrupt their industry and launch massive and positive change. Learn how to shift your mindset so you can be the disruptor...

A Way of Being

March 1, 2022
Taking many small steps makes it more possible to achieve really big, lofty goals – especially when the path to get there is not as obvious as these ladders make it appear. […...